Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Ambrosia, the drink of Gods. That's perfection. The taste is perfection. But who among us, the mere mortals can rightfully claim to have had it tasted?

The idea is unfathomable, I know. Imagine telling the blind how white the milk is. But perfection exists, in everyone of us. In the deepest hearts of the sincerest men, it shines more radiantly.

What shapes it? What gives it life? Us? That's foolish. The life-giving source, I assume then must be something so vast in greatness, the explanation seems unneccesary. [What did I tell you about about assumption. It is the brother of all f**k-ups - Lock, stock and two smoking barrels]

O! Brownie, where art thou?

Brownie; the little brain cell that was assigned with the job of steering ideas had somehow lost its course, which disrupted the thought process in my head. AND, he is conveniently blaming it on the assumption I made earlier.

You may demand for a title change: A mind teaser. OR maybe a f**k up.

p.s: the author made some changes to the 2nd last paragraph....perfectionist?!?!

Monday, October 25, 2004


A rule of thumb - The ball's round.

lost. To MU. 2-0 was the score.

The "Legendary" Mike Riley

p.s: Mike Riley had always been an ass. This time wasn't an exception.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


1. The electric experience - It's not voltage that kills, it's current!" Issit true? Current flows, but it doesn't move on its own, voltage motivates it. How?

2. The oxygen theory - What does the increase or decline in atmospheric oxyegen level do to the physiology of animals? This theory has often been associated with the extinction of dinosaurs.

3. The greatest player - in football? UNQUESTIONABLY it is Diego Maradona. Read on his most famous goal, considered to be the best in World Cup history here. Pic attached.

4. The principles of communism - what does a believer like me doing following these atheistic principles? Two words: ethics and equality.

Friday, October 22, 2004


Aurora probably is one of Earth's often most forgotten Offspring. She (Earth) gets pregnated when the wind seed from Sun is placed deep inside Her magnetic field. Child birth occurs almost immediately after conception for the mother's womb couldn't contain the hot and fiery seminal fluid very long. Usually the Offspring is brought into this world in a hurried manner; as a result, the Offspring is often born lame and dies fast - usually 15 to 40 minutes after being born. Often born? Yes. Conception happens rather frequently too, and may recur every 2-3 hours.

But there's beauty in chaos: the hurried childbirth. For the limited few:the original appreciaters, an unknown force drags their feets to the places of labour, for them to witness the Divine childbirth. AND these devotees turned witnesses have deified this Offspring too- Aurora Borealis in the north and Aurora Australis in the South.

One such devotee dedicated this site to Her. Read to know more.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Of character

Every man has three characters: That which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has. - Alphonse Karr

That which he exhibits: How the world perceives you? WORLD: family, friends, workmates, bloggers, they all look at you differently. The degree of variation of all these public persona(s), however, isn't extremely great, in my opinion.

That which he thinks he has: Our perception. Age and experience alters it.

That which he has: The real nature. The one constant thing abt us. I would love to believe, our ultimate goal in life is to match the perceived self to the real nature. [Ref: self-actualization: which is the pinnacle in Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs]. This is important so that the existence of an alternate/ alter ego (Maaya) can be suppressed....which is the most important knowledege (Jnaanam).

My journey to explore the inner universe (you may call it a spiritual journey) hasn't really begun. And again I impose the same question upon the readers: are you a believer?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Rationality vs Abstract Thoughts

The last few days, I had been experiencing frequent memory lapses, forgetting things unintentionally; the impulsive ones might even say it's selective amnesia. I do not know for sure what is the cause for this sudden strange mental outlook change. No I don't want to speculate, early conclusions will prove fatal.

But when one mental faculty collapses, other brain functions improve. The apparent pitholes formed by these memory lapses were compensated thru creation of more focused thoughts. And there was a sudden urge to know and to question the essence. So:

Memory lapses: reasons unknown; but stimulated rational thinking and spiritual thirst.

A question: can logic and religion unite?

This has got nothing to do with one's faith or principles for that matter. Somewhere previously, I wrote, religion begins where science fails. Many believe otherwise.

Another question: can abstract thoughts be explained logically?

An analogy here, can love be explained using mathematics. This statement doesnt mean I am being biased. Just adding a scope.

Third question: if the previous question was a yes, is religion just another form or mental displayal of escapism?

I know I shouldn't narrow down abstract thoughts to the context of spirituality or religion, it's not fair you might wanna argue. But let's just say spirituality is the mother of all abstract thoughts.

Last one: so are you a believer?


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Chaos and Order (II)

The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does.

-Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141

CHAOS, with reference to above, refers to an apparent lack of ORDER in a system that nevertheless obeys particular laws or rules. However, unlike the butterfly effect, I cant seem to find any theory(ies) explaining order. The closest I got by Googling is this:

Order theory is achieved by specifying properties that a relation must have to be of a mathematical order(like smaller, bigger, equals to, ascending, descending order etc). This abstract approach makes sense, because one can derive numerous theorems in the general setting, without focusing on the details of any particular order. These insights can then be readily transferred to many concrete applications.

-Author unknown.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Chaos and Order

Order is important to organize the unpredictable behaviour of events(chaos); and chaos is introduced to break the monotony of events. Life I believe is somewhere between those two, chaos being an extreme of the spectrum and order the other extreme.

-Got this from Books of Magic. The lines have been altered slightly to match the current mental condition of the author.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Artificial Mist

Over the past few years, Indonesia had created more scientists than the world can possibly imagine. From Acheh, Palembang to Surabaya and Pontianak, these meteorogical experts had succesfully induced artificial mist to alter the current atmospheric properties and conditions. An unnamed family planning expert was saying this step can be crucial to ensure the world population is kept in check; mainly because the artifical mist lowers the performance of human's cardiovascular and respiratory system. He went on adding, the widespread of avian influenza can also be monitored systematically. Of course, the validity of this latter statement is very much doubted; the guy is a family planner not an ornithologist.

Ali, Ah Chong and Muthu: residents of a small town in northern Malaysia, believe however these Indonesians aren't scientists but black magic practitioners. They claim the mist is capable of swallowing mountains and hills. It seems the one in front of their houses was swallowed in a night!! And lucky us, this process is not eternal, the hill will be returned to its original position after sometime. How long this "sometime" will be wasn't defined.

Fog off, Indonesia, we too can do it.

A group of farmers here in Kedah, in a desperate attempt to match the research abilites of their counterparts had almost accomplished the impossible by burning paddy husks in their sawah(local word for paddy field). The succesful act caught the attention of onlookers who were actually passing through the mist. However, the "awe-struck onlookers'" joy were not long as they were unfortunately involved in a massive multiple vehicle pile up.

"We are working on the techniques. Perfecting it is a bit diffult," an arrested farmer was waving to us and saying. It was an emotional sight. He still managed to utter Malaysia Boleh! Malaysia Boleh! before the cops put him in their car. Our eyes were filled with tears. Hopefully his act will pave the way for the other aspiring Malysian researchers wishing to excel in this field.