Tsunami help
To those who want to know more. And help.
Yeah, you guessed it. Another meeting. Something happened again. Still God had greater plans...*sigh* Defeated me, totally..........*mind shifts to a semi-dormant mode*.
God does not play dice with the universe. - Einstein
I dreamt. Both were there. Like in real life. So real, so precise. Maybe I had been thinking too much. Seriously, I think too much at times. Where I saw a future that I disliked. So, I got rid of it. But I was reminded again; saw glimpses of the future that I might have missed. No. I am not sad. It's not that great anway. In fact, I am working hard not to meet that sort of future in the near future.
British Council conducted a survey to find out the language's 70 most beautiful words. Mother, apparently, is the most beautiful word, followed by passion and smile. For more, read here.