Thursday, September 23, 2004

From Ura Nihon..............

"Money? I am broke. But money has no value. To live is the value. I eat what I grow. You can live without money - and I am proving it."

"Yes, I will protect the traditions, if they're right."

....With love,

BUT the fool had to ask: what's living?

Sidebar updated again:
New members - Kameeni, Sara

Coming soon: Tepeng.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Sidebar Updated n something else.

Superbar is the newest addition to my sidebar. The guitarist, Mr. Bala is a friend of mine.

Can peace make it in Northern Ireland? With UK losing interest and Ireland showing greater attention to Ulster(N.Ireland) I suppose, the answer is yes. But the actual situation is more complicated than this. The catholics(nationalists) say they are different from the catholics in Ireland and the protestants (loyalists)say they are different from the ones in UK. And the confrontation doesnt seem to end soon.
So how? Maybe a separate country? Think its necessary for me to quote someone here.

That someone said: war is not abt whos right, its abt whos left

Enough said. AND also don't forget to check out Superbar.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Bala's superbar

Rocker bub: Bala machan's Superbar. Listen to Dreams. It rocks baby, it rocks. Reminds me of Evening News.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Man and Moon

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
-Neil Armstrong, July 20, 1969

Was he really on moon?

Or was is all a big hoax? The most expensive movie ever made?
Non-believers's think it is all part of a well-devised political game strategized by the Americans to counter-act the Russians' move in space exploration since Yuri Gagarin made it 13 years earlier.

What is the Van Allen belt? AND How is it possible for manned space flights to survive the effects of the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

Another link: but this one here is suggesting, man has indeed landed on moon.

I do believe they have landed. But anything is possible. Be ur own judge.