Thursday, August 11, 2005

Haze worsens!

API in Cyber shot high overnight. Refer to Putrajaya. Even, the inside of my house was fogged up.
Schools in Selangor was ordered to close down today and tomorrow by the Education Ministry as API level in most places have rose above the hazardous mark.
The ice-cube rain in Subang was confirmed. These ice cubes were reportedly about the size of 20 cents coin.
Check out the NASA satellite image of Sumatera and Peninsular Malaysia here. It may take a while to load.

You be the judge. Should or shouldn't a stern action be taken against the Indon govt.?


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Sutharsanan said...

baguslaa...u share the same opinion. the term malaysian indian I am not too comfortable with it. I am still proud to be a Malaysian although, a lot of shit has been happening lately. And no less proud to be born an Indian.


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